Inner Space Academy


β€œTo master the heart, to stretch to the edge of what beckons you is your ticket to ride. This is what you are here for. Your capacity to imagine is a subversive technology, altering everything. Dangerous.”

Melissa la Flamme

Launch into Imagination

Inner Space Academy is an online school for leaders, dream builders, cultural creatives, and soulful seekers where metaphysics and science intersect in cutting-edge courses, training you as an inner space astronaut in the powerful technology of imagination. Learn to access the galaxies of wisdom within you β€” your innerverse. Consciously enter the cosmic playground of creation to effectively heal and design the life you always wanted from the inside out.

Begin in the unseen

Your inner world is unseen. It holds invisible aspects of you. Yet, it’s where solid reality originates. Go straight to Source β€” your energy and Knowing β€” inside our learning paths. Develop intuition, strengthen imagination, cultivate emotional intelligence, build soft resilience, and foster soul level confidence (soul esteem). Experience increased vitality and manifest the highest expression of you.

Reclaim your power

When you say yes to your power, you live your best YES in every cell. Mastery of quantum reality is a path, not a destination. Stepping onto that path allows you to lead by example, sending ripples of goodness out to your family, community, humanity, and planet Earth. Inner Space is the door. Reclaiming your Knowing is the key to unlock your power. Use them together and open the door to personal power for planetary evolution.

“The wayfinding teachings say begin in the dark. Whenever we are willing to step into those uncomfortable places, into our greatness, the ancestors will always be there. May you always know how to close your eyes to see more clearly.”

Elizabeth Kapu’uwailani Lindsey

Unlimited Universe Plan Subscription

Join the Soul Lab. Become an inner space astronaut.

πŸš€ Launch into imagination β€” consciously design your life. 
🌈 Begin in the unseen β€” where reality originates. 
⚑️ Reclaim your power β€” say YES to you in every cell. 

Join other inner space astronauts inside the Soul Lab and explore the majesty of the innerverse β€” your portal to healing and creation. Soul Lab membership includes unlimited 24/7 access to all Inner Space Academy courses, calls, and workshops. Savor the support of a growing soul family community with Astara. Learn mystery school teachings, channel star codes, experience merkaba activation, explore shamanic healing practices, and more!

Subscribe annually and get two months of the Unlimited Universe FREE!Β 

Go deeper with Heartifact Certification and become a soul guide for others. Soul Lab membership is included. Contact Astara to map your certification path.

"Woah! I'm up in the heavens now. I'm in a much higher level from where I started. This is so uplifting." – Ellen


Path 1: Welcome To Project Awakening

In Part 1, peek inside the the Project Awakening introduction for FREE! The introduction helps you build success for your awakening journey ahead. May beauty find you in every detail of your extra-ordinary learning experience.

Enjoy a glimpse into the power of the Project Awakening learning path:

"I've always been searching for this. It’s empowering!” – Barb

Path 2: Anchor in Quantum Awareness

Explore courses to discover the fundamentals of inner space:

πŸ‘‰πŸΌ Quantum Consciousness:Β Learn to see from a quantum creatorship paradigm with lessons rooted in energy medicine, neurobiology, and quantum physics.

πŸ‘‰πŸΌ Home Base of the Soul: Anchor conscious intention inside your body to translate your soul knowing and empower a fulfilling life.

Are you ready to unlock well-being at a soul level?

"I have to say that it has changed my life" – Becky

Path 3: Love Shadows to a New Place

Savor courses to honor the truth in your center and build awareness of your shadows:

πŸ‘‰πŸΌ Feeling Alchemy: Listen to the soul through your senses. Fire up dormant circuits in your body and transform any fear story to a love story.Β 

πŸ‘‰πŸΌ Shadow Alchemy: Harness the authority in your core. Open the trap door of your subconscious to reveal what’s hidden and generate a master reset.

πŸ‘‰πŸΌ Heart Alchemy: Build circuits to capacitate the eternal essence of love β€” the most expansive frequency you experience in human form.

Are you ready for your real love story?

"β€œThis is pivotal work. It’s evolutionary.” β€” Zoraya

Enjoy this excerpt from our online course Heart Alchemy:

β€œWhere does our cultural maturity begin? Inside each individual heart.” – Astara

"This class has helped me trust myself.” – Rebecca

Path 4: How Good Can it Get?

Course paths to escort you back to your creatorship. Reveal your direct connection with Source energy to raise the ceiling of possibility and unlock new levels of clarity and greatness.

πŸ‘‰πŸΌ Breath Alchemy: Breath is the most powerful tool for manifesting spirit in physical form. Tune up your expression and creativity.

πŸ‘‰πŸΌ Inner Alchemist: Activate your inner chemist and visionary through alkalizing food, conscious exercise, and loving thoughts.

πŸ‘‰πŸΌ Soul Esteem: Develop soul esteem and conscious confidence through pragmatic daily practices. Claim your sovereignty and enter the miracle zone.

Are you ready to live in, as, and through your Higher Self daily?

Enjoy this excerpt from our online course Soul Esteem:

"Emptiness is really just emptying ourselves of the identification as separate and independent so we can feel our connection to everything.” – Astara

"β€œThis is pivotal work. It’s evolutionary.” β€” Zoraya

Path 5: Project Remembering

Advanced mystery school courses to remember your star codes:

πŸ‘‰πŸΌΒ The Resilience of Pleasure: Become a pleasure activist and an agent of delight in this wild new world to elevate your resiliency game!

πŸ‘‰πŸΌ Psychic Prosperity: Explore altered brain states to expand your senses β€” accessing the diversity of intuition available to you.

πŸ‘‰πŸΌ Merkaba & Living in the Heart: Activate the energetic architecture you were born with to create better, explore the cosmos, and live inside heaven on Earth.

πŸ‘‰πŸΌ Shamanism: Re-Enchantment, Magic & Power: Develop a shamanic lens to connect to life force everyday, revealing the medicine alive in everything.

Are you ready to become a love ambassador and upgrade your soul path?

Path 6: Heartifact Archaeology Ecosystem

Courses to master and apply soul wisdom healing with self and clients:

πŸ‘‰πŸΌ Akashic Records & Conscious Dowsing: Connect to your subconscious, Higher Self, guides, and Akashic Records using kinesiology. Includes dowsing charts for soul research.

πŸ‘‰πŸΌ The Guide Book: A Channeled Guide to Accessing Wisdom and Expanding Consciousness. Astara channels wisdom from her guides to help others form a direct connection to Source and hear their own channel, guides and soul team.

Are you ready to dig a little deeper to help embrace your sparkle?

"Just to have all this available is a gift!” – Annalea

Don’t just take our word for it! Listen to the love letters from our students.